WHY will your 2020 be better than 2019?
Jan 06, 2020
Every single year we begin with great intentions, a laundry list of goals and big hopes for some sort of a break.
What most people aren't aware of is the fact that by the third week of January, about 90 percent of individuals who set up goals, have already given up on them! The momentum dies down and they're back to square one: wishful thinking!
So I'd like to invite you to do things differently and look at things from a new perspective this year and the following years.
WHY do you want to make this year better?
(Did you catch that? I said "make" not "hope it will be"!)
The reason I asked the question that way is that we give our power away too much, too often and we live a life designed by others or by default. It's time to claim back your power by making your decisions! Let's continue...
Here's the thing: we know "what" the goal we want to accomplish is at a very surface level. We understand it logically but we don't FEEL why we need the particular thing we aim for. Due to the lack of clarity about why we are looking to do something, we are short on the pillars that support our goals. Just like a table needs legs to become a table, that same way, your goal needs legs to stand on to become a worthy goal that's going to serve you.
So what is it that you want?
- lose weight?
- make money?
- find a partner?
- get in shape?
- break up with someone?
- travel to Australia? (I'm not sure why Australia came to mind... maybe I should go visit :))
- __________ (insert your own)
Don't worry, I'm not trying to get you to set more goals.
So now that you figured out or remembered the goals you have already set or the intentions you've made for 2020, I'd like to invite you to understand the WHY(s) behind it.
Let's take for example: "make more money". It seems that no matter what country we are from, what language we speak, what family background we come from, what gender we are, what type of work we do, we ALL want more money.
I coach entrepreneurs from all over the world every day, and this is the most common desire listed. And it should be! I'll explain why in just a moment, but before I do, I'd like to invite you to answer that for yourself.
- WHY do YOU want to make more money?
I really would like for you to sit with this question for a few minutes to let that sink in before you read any further and then answer it. If you don't have the time to do that or want to finish the article, you're free to do so, but please come back and do this in a quiet place. Answer this question by connecting to a deeper and wiser part within you. The answers to long-lasting change and success are inside of you, you just need to look for them.
Here are my observations: I found that when people seek to make more money it's because it stems from a desire to grow, a desire to expand, a desire to express, a desire to help and a desire to contribute. People want to feel significant, they want to feel important, they want to know they're secure, safe and taken care of. There is a multitude of reasons WHY individuals desire to make more money, you just have to make sure you know your own.
When you do this, here's what happens: you start following the things that matter, the things that call your name. For example, if you want to make more money so you can contribute, the moment you feel like you don't have the energy to show up, then you remember why you're doing it so you're less likely to procrastinate. You'll create a pull that's undeniable backed up by the intrinsic drivers. The need to contribute is one of our most basic human needs, so understanding it helps you set things up in a more fluent way that leads to greater results.
Can you see how important it is to look at goals this way?
Now that you understand the importance of setting things in motion from a deeper and more connected way, I'd like for you to think through what will move the needle for you.
- What are the areas in your life that are most important to you right now?
- Is it your health?
- Is it your personal relationships?
- Is it your professional connections?
- Is it your skills?
Once you decide which it is, then determine at least 3 reasons why that particular thing is important to you and do this one last thing. Ask yourself these last 2 questions:
- What will it cost me if I don't show up consistently?
- What will be the cumulative effect in 3 to 5 years from now?
The deeper it sets in, the more likely you are to stick to it. It becomes an integral part of your day and of your life. You now have the chance to set things in motion with an unbelievable force to pull you to your goals especially when the inevitable obstacles try to get in the way. You are worth making things happen! You deserve to reach mastery! Take what you've learned today, apply it and make things happen!
Don't forget to subscribe to our email list and join our Facebook Group! I look forward to seeing you achieve greatness!
Until next time, don't forget to be kind, be loving, be forgiving, but most importantly BE YOURSELF!
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